Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back to School Set Up

Moving to the resource room from my old office and work space was challenging.  I had been in the same office for five or six years (I lost count).  I hadn't realized how much stuff I had!  Neither could my best friend and fellow SPED teacher.  She just kept saying, "Another load!"  "Yes," I'd say sheepishly.  Here's the pictures.

This summer I had to pull my daughter out of Girls Club as she is VERY impressionable and was picking up some topics of conversation par for the course for most junior high girls but with her autistic tendencies she doesn't always realize when these conversations should be filtered and kept to oneself.  So, with her at home and my son (whose in elementary school) there wasn't much time to work on the room.  My roommate and other half (she does lower elementary SPED and I do the upper elementary) is 8 months pregnant so she didn't work on the room either.

 Finally, teachers were back on contract and in between meetings and after school I managed to get things set up and organized.  Thank you to all the Pinterest teachers for posting great ideas for my new room!

Before (front of room)

After (front of room)



 We decided to put our small group areas to the back of the room, her on one side and me on the other with shelving between us.
We also wanted this small table for her kindergarten and first graders.

My side of the back of the room.  Plenty of room for all of my stuff.  I told her that I had so much stuff compared to her because it was 13 years of teaching versus 4.  Sounded good anyway!


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